• Ongoing Projects

    *Safety & Wellbeing: graphics & research
    *Icon/Emoticon/Sticker for Smart Living
    *Visual Identity & Brand Image
    *UI/UX/UD from Informative Design perspectives
    *Visual Service for Smart Campus-Community
    *Visual Narratives & Storytelling

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Motion Periodic Table

It’s cool to take a scientific view on Motion effects– Motion Periodic Table, a graduate project designed by Kazuki Akamine from the Musashino Art University, Japan. Akamine extracted motion graphics elements and rearranged them into a periodic table look, with which you can click on a specific effect button, and it brings you to the next … Continue reading

Live and Worldwide Forecast : Windyty, the wind map

Nice info-graphics in motion- online and real time. Based on data and products of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, the ECMWF produces numerical weather forecasts and monitor the Earth-system. More importantly, it carries out scientific and technical research to improve forecast skill. The Windyty site clearly shows the wind map and visually explains … Continue reading

Go! Go! Design Run

The theme of VIDjam 2016 has been announced: Design Run (設計 好 運動). This vigorous and positive event is gathering young blood together to think, to explore, to create, and to learn from each other. Join us! Website: http://vidjam.tw/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/vid.designjam/

Pantone 2016: Serenity & Rose Quartz

Look inside the color techniques, the color theory… Inside the Pantone color factor– (headquarter: Carlstadt, New Jersey) Information & image retrieved March 23, 2016 from BIOS (http://www.biosmonthly.com/contactd.php?id=7005)

STORYTELLING 101: What is Pi

While those math enthusiasts were celebrating Pi Day on March 14, 2015 at 9:26:53, I was excited seeing the symbol pi and its related creativity were all around. Also, thank Prof. Yen told me that 3/14 is Einstein birthday! Let’s celebrate~ 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716……. But, what is Pi? This video, the infinite life of pi, from TED-Ed explains those infinite number … Continue reading

STORYTELLING 001: History of English

History of English (combined) The history of English in 10 minutes! Chapter 1: Anglo-Saxon Chapter 2: The Norman Conquest Chapter 3: Shakespeare Chapter 4: The King James Bible Chapter 5: The English of Science Chapter 6: English & Empire Chapter 7: The Age of the Dictionary Chapter 8: American English Chapter 9: Internet English Chapter … Continue reading

A New Way to See: Microsoft HoloLens

It is not only a promotion video that Microsoft is introducing its Windows 10 and the new HoloLens, the video also shows how these technologies will change and shape your new life, by transforming your world with holograms, as the slogan says. It is certainly a huge leap to the development of holography since the … Continue reading

My Size Fits

The women brands often follow various measuring systems. It is hard to find the right dress to fit without the standard sizes. It is not a problem anymore with the search engine What Size Am I. Users can add their measurements on bust, waist and hips, choose UK or US system, select cm or inches … Continue reading

By being myself, …

By being myself, I continue to walk along with my soul, no matter where my body would go…. “By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before.” – Edwin Elliot

ICDHS 2016 Taipei

Please mark your calendar and join us in the year of 2016 World Design Capital Taipei… 歡迎加入,我們2016台北見! [FB] ICDHS 2016 Taipei     

  • Affiliation

    Department of I & C Design, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology
    國立台灣科技大學 工商業設計系 / 設計所

    office no.:
    +886 2 2730 3280
    email: tingyi@mail.ntust.edu.tw